I. Introduction
IMAGE segmentation is an important problem in image analysis, appearing in many applications including pattern recognition, object detection, and medical imaging. Some previous approaches to image segmentation, which provide the basis for a variety of more recent methods, include boundary-based segmentation such as Canny edge detection [1], region-based segmentation such as region growing [2], [3], and global optimization approaches such as those based on the Mumford–Shah functional [4] [5] [6]. Recently, there has been a considerable amount of work on image segmentation using curve evolution techniques [5], [7] [10] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]. Some of these techniques, including the ones in [10] and [14] have relations to the approach we present here. In particular, Paragios et al. [10] developed a parametric model for supervised segmentation of textured images. Yezzi et al. [14] developed a segmentation technique using a particular discriminative statistical feature such as the mean or the variance of image regions. These, and many other recent methods (such as [12] and [15]) have been inspired by the region competition model of Zhu and Yuille [16].