Virtual character (VC) animation is a well-known issue in 3D related applications, especially because of the desire to use human being-like avatars in virtual or hybrid environments. Contributing to the MPEG-4 standard Version 2, the activities of the Synthetic and Natural Hybrid Coding (SNHC) Group [11] address the animation of human avatars - so-called Face and Body Animation (FBA) - by specifying 1) the avatar modeling representation, and 2) the animation parameter representation and compression. With Similar objectives in term of low-bitrate streamed animation, the SNHC group has currently adopted the specifications of the so-called Bone-based Animation (BBA) framework [18] making it possible to realistically animate any kind of articulated VC. Animation Framework eXtension (AFX) extends the 3D· related technologies of MPEG-4 Version 2 and addresses new ones such as subdivision surfaces, volume representation, view dependent texture and mesh transmission.