Adaptive multiscale moment method (AMMM) is presented for the analysis of scattering from a thin perfectly conducting plate. This algorithm employs the conventional momen...Show MoreMetadata
Adaptive multiscale moment method (AMMM) is presented for the analysis of scattering from a thin perfectly conducting plate. This algorithm employs the conventional moment method and a special matrix transformation, which is derived from the tensor products of the two one-dimensional (1-D) multiscale triangular basis functions that are used for expansion and testing functions in the conventional moment method. The special feature of these new basis functions introduced through this transformation is that they are orthogonal at the same scale except at the initial scale and not between scales. From one scale to another scale, the initial estimate for the solution can be predicted using this multiscale technique. Hence, the compression is applied directly to the solution and the size of the linear equations to be solved is reduced, thereby improving the efficiency of the conventional moment method. The basic difference between this methodology and the other techniques that have been presented so far is that we apply the compression not to the impedance matrix, but to the solution itself directly using an iterative solution methodology. The extrapolated results at the higher scale thus provide a good initial guess for the iterative method. Typically, when the number of unknowns exceeds a few thousand unknowns, the matrix solution time exceeds generally the matrix fill time. Hence, the goal of this method is directed in solving electrically larger problems, where the matrix solution time is of concern. Two numerical results are presented, which demonstrate that the AMMM is a useful method to analyze scattering from perfectly conducting plates.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation ( Volume: 48, Issue: 6, June 2000)
DOI: 10.1109/8.865226