I. Introduction
THE connection between an -band filterbank and an -band DMT (discrete multitone) or filterbank transceiver is well known [1]– [2] [3]. When the analysis and synthesis banks of a perfect reconstruction filterbank are interchanged, the new structure becomes a filterbank transceiver (see Fig. 1). The system in this case has interpolation ratio , and it is called minimally interpolated. When the channel is a delay, i.e., ideal, the minimally interpolated -band filterbank transceiver is ISI free if the corresponding filterbank has perfect reconstruction [1]. The ISI-free property means that there is no intraband or interband ISI. The discrete wavelet multitone (DWMT) system [4] is obtained by interchanging perfect reconstruction analysis and synthesis banks. However, when the channel is not ideal, the perfect reconstruction property of the filterbank no longer translates to ISI-free property of filterbank transceivers. The resulting ISI can seriously degrade the system performance [5], [6]. Additional interband and intraband equalization can be used to reduce ISI [4], [7]. -band DMT transceiver over a channel with additive noise .