I. Introduction
The Large Hadron electron Collider (LHeC) is a proposed hadron-lepton (electrons and positrons) collider that is being considered to complement and extend the physics research of the LHC. It should run at the same time as hadron collisions take place in the LHC experiments. Two options are being considered to accelerate the leptons to an energy of 60 GeV: the so-called Linac-Ring option and the Ring-Ring one. The first consists in a full energy accelerator injecting the 60 GeV leptons directly against the hadrons in the LHC. The Ring-Ring option on the other hand consists in a pre-accelerator injecting 10 GeV leptons in a new synchrotron installed in the LHC tunnel. This new ring would perform the acceleration from 10 GeV to 60 GeV and thereafter collide the leptons against the hadrons in the LHC. Its lattice [1] is based on an asymmetric FODO cell of half the LHC FODO cell length to account for LHC service modules and the DFBs (Fig. 1).
LHeC arc cell optic: one arc cell consists of two FODO cells symmetric in the placement of the quadrupoles and asymmetric for the dipoles.