I. Introduction
Fault CURRENT limiters (FCLs) have been suggested to solve serious problems from excessive fault current in electric power grids. Many active researches about various types of FCL such as resistive, inductive and hybrid types have been performed. In the recent researches, resistive FCLs using YBCO coated conductor (CC) have been developed and tested [1], [2]. To minimize the impedance of the FCLs, non-inductive winding methods using CC wires were suggested and there was rarely a magnetic flux in the coil during both normal and fault condition [3]. Resistive FCLs, however, have to endure a large fault current for 3–5 cycles until the circuit breaker (CB) cuts it off and the fault current causes high temperature rise in the high temperature superconducting (HTS) wire. FCLs are required to have a fast recovery within 0.5 s for the sake of protection coordination in electric power distribution grids in Korea and it is hard to achieve required recovery time with resistive FCLs. To reduce a recovery time and an amount of HTS wire, there have been some researches about new concept with superconductors and fast switches such as vacuum interrupter (VI), and solid state device [4]. Thus, an additional coil was needed to commutate the fast switch.