1. Introduction
THE NEUTRINO beam facility started construction for the long baseline oscillation experiments combining with Super-KAMIOKANDE cosmic neutrino observatory [2]. It will use the J-PARC [3] 50 GeV 0.75 MW proton beam to create a high intensity neutrino beam. The primary proton beam line transporting the proton beam to a production target consists of the first preparation (PP) section, the arc (ARC), and final focus (FF) section (Fig. 1). The PP section consists of 12 normal conducting magnets and collimators. The ARC section is composed of 28 combined function superconducting magnets and bends the proton beam about 80 degrees toward Super Kamiokande. The FF section, using 10 normal conducting magnets, shapes the beam from ARC section to be suitable for the production target. Construction of the J-PARC neutrino beam line started in 2004 and the first beam is expected in 2009.
Schematic illustration of the j-parc neutrino beam line.