I. Introduction
ASUPERCONDUCTING fault current limiter (FCL) is electrical equipment strongly expected in electric power systems where fault currents are serious problems. An FCL is a unique application of superconductors, which restricts a fault current arising in transmission or distribution lines with rapid response time as a quarter wave after the fault. While some developments of superconducting FCLs have progressed in recent years [1]–[4], no FCLs are practical as commercial switchgears. Among the various FCL applications proposed and requested, such as self-limiting interconnection and on-line limitation of transmission lines, a voltage level of several tens of kilo-volts would be a required milestone. Large current capacity is an attractive characteristic in superconductors, and moreover, a superconducting FCL needs to withstand high voltage in many applications. This background has been a strong motivation for this work to aim for a superconducting FCL at the several tens of kilo-volts level.