1 Introduction
The new Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) are having a propulsive impact on software organizations that develop and maintain software using teams distributed on different sites. More and more companies are moving from traditional software factory models towards virtual organization models, where independent institutions, departments, and groups of specialized individuals converge in a temporary network with the aim of utilizing a competitive advantage or solving a specific problem. Workflow and computer supported cooperative work technologies are primary enablers for virtual organizations, as people and institutions in a network make substantially more use of computer mediated channels than physical presence to interact and cooperate in order to achieve their objectives. In particular, Workflow Management Systems (WfMSs) [14], [23], [26] are an effective technology for improving the management of software development and maintenance processes, particularly by improving the coordination and cooperation between managers and software engineers. In addition, most WfMSs of the last generation are web based [1] and this makes them a viable enabling technology for remodeling both the organization structure and its processes in order to move towards a virtual organization model and increase its competitiveness.