Floating arm vector.
Amplitude and time delay of the fitted trajectories of the accuracy evaluation trials, when the axis is actuated.
Moving frame.
Intermediate variable.
Intermediate variable.
Degree of freedom.
Eyes closed and eyes open test conditions.
Frequency and amplitude of trajectories applied to the platform in the evaluation trials.
System of equations and Jacobian for Newton-Raphson resolution.
Motor positions.
Generic and initial position of one of the three upper ball joint centers.
Generic position of the three upper ball joints with respect to the baricenter.
Generic and initial position of lower ball joint centers.
Intermediate variable.
Rotation matrix of the platform base.
Cross product matrix.
svdSingular value decomposition.
Transformation matrix for angular acceleration.
Floating arm directions.
Motor directions.
Generic vector v expressed in frame u.
Roll pitch and jaw angles.
Amplitude error for the axis when is the actuated axis.
Cross-sensitivity error for the axis when is the actuated axis.
Generic minimal attitude representation.
Shape error for the axis , computed by the standard deviation of residuals of the fitted trajectories when the axis is actuated.