I. Introduction
Error backpropagation is the most widely used supervised learning method for neural networks and has achieved success in many classification and prediction applications. A typical network has an architecture consisting of an input layer, one or more hidden layers, and an output layer (Fig. 1). There are several variants of error backpropagation, usually driven by minimizing the sum of squared error between the actual output values and the target teaching signals. The network learns a mapping between the input and output units, while the hidden units and the weights between them and other units contain the network's internal representation of the input. This distributed representation as large matrices of floating point numbers makes it very difficult for a person to understand what a trained network has learned. This difficulty has inspired substantial past research on how to extract symbolic human-readable rules from a network so that one can be more confident about its classifications and understand more about what has been learned from the data. In spite of a large amount of work addressing this issue ([1]–[5]), the results obtained are still very limited.
Typical fully connected feedforward neural network.