Why Use Differential Components in Codesign??
Two fundamental types of microwave components may be distinguished in terms of the symmetry of the signal waveforms they support: unbalanced components (always asymmetric structures), which have one conductor with an RF voltage and the other one connected to a physical ground, and balanced components (generally symmetric structures), whose two conductors exhibit opposite signal polarities and a virtual ground (ground due to symmetry). Although they do not have a physical ground, balanced components generally have a floating (unconnected) conductor (for example, substrate's back conductor in the case of a coplanar strip-line structure), which is used as a ground in the mixed-scattering-parameter characterization procedure that will be presented later. When combined in subsystems, balanced and unbalanced components lead to differential and single-ended architectures, respectively. For balanced components, we will use the terms balanced and differential as synonyms following traditional use, depending on the context.