I Introduction
Interconnected oscillatory systems often display what is called propagation phenomena, [13]. In general by Lossless propagation it is understood the phenomenon associated with long transmission lines for physical signals. In engineering, this problem is strongly related to electric and electronic applications, e.g. circuit structures consisting of multipoles connected through LC transmission lines; this can also be seen in steam or gaz flows or pressures and water pipes [21], [9], [22]. The mathematical model is described in all these cases by a mixed initial and boundary value problem for hyperbolic partial differential equations modeling the lossless propagation. The boundary conditions are of special type, being in feedback connection with some system described by ordinary differential equations. This leads to the so called derivative boundary conditions considered by Cooke & Krumme [6], but also to the even more general boundary conditions of Abolina & Myshkis described by Volterra operators, see [22]. Integration along characteristics of the hyperbolic partial differential equations (here d'Alembert method) allows the association of certain system of functional equations to the mixed problem.