I. Introduction
In the cellular downlink, base stations and mobiles use multiple antennas in order to increase spectral efficiency. This downlink channel is a non-degraded Multiple Input Multiple Output Broadcast (MIMO-BC) channel. The sum capacity for the non-degraded Gaussian-MIMO broadcast channel was derived in [1] and shown to be achieved using Dirty Paper Coding (DPC). Later, in [2], it was shown that the DPC rate region coincides with the capacity region. Practical code designs for DPC have been studied in [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]. In the designs in [3] [4] [5] [6], joint shaping and coding encoders (or iterative decoders) are required at the transmitter (or receiver). In [7], for the single antenna Gaussian broadcast channel, joint encoding and iterative decoding between the shaping and channel codes are avoided by introducing a one-codeword delay at the transmitter and the shaping of symbols from current message bits combined with parity bits from the previous codeword. In this work, we design codes for the MIMO-BC using this idea from [7].