Inter-band tunnel FETs (TFETs) are promising devices for realizing sub-kT/q steep switching slope (SS). Compared to MOSFET, however, the TFET drive current (ION) is considerably low due to the large source side tunneling barrier (Ebeff). Bandgap (Eg) engineered III-V hetero-junctions could meet the ION requirement while achieving sub-kT/q SS and low off-state leakage current (IOFF) (1). In this work, we experimentally demonstrate GaAs0.35Sb0.65/In0.7Ga0.3As highly staggered hetero-junction TFET and show 400% ION enhancement over corresponding In0.7Ga0.3As homo-junction TFET. Using calibrated numerical simulations, we further show that MOSFET-like high ION can be achieved using highly staggered hetero-junction, ultra thin body and low EOT for Vcc=300mV logic applications.