I. Introduction
Landmines were mainly designed as area-denial weapons, and are used to create tactical barriers in order to prevent direct attack or to deny access by military and civilians from a defined area. Landmines are perfect soldiers that never eat, sleep, miss, fall ill or disobey. Moreover the landmine perfectly completes its job for much less U.S. dollars than the human soldier; in addition landmines are long-term killers, active long after a war has ended. There are two major types of landmines, Anti-Personnel (AP) mines and Anti-Tank (AT) mines. AP mines are usually placed under earth, close to the surface; while AT mines are usually placed on the surface of the earth. According to the UNICEF, around 2,000 persons are involved in monthly landmine accidents, 800 (40%) of whom are innocent civilians; that is, an average of a victim every 20 minutes dies [1]. According to the UN, even though about 100,000 mines are removed every year; two million more replace them [2], [3].