I. Introduction
ONE of the essential problems in brain science is how electrical and hemodynamic signals that are acquired by e.g. electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) relate to each other during different states of cerebral activity. Scalp EEG samples the synchronous post-synaptic potentials in the cerebral cortex which lead to neuronal input processing, whereas blood-oxygenation-level dependent (BOLD) fMRI measures a delayed hemodynamic response to neuronal activity. Previous research has shown a linear relationship between local field potentials and multi-unit activity and the BOLD signal [1]. Methodologically, the motivation for combining electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is obvious. The advantage of EEG is millisecond temporal resolution and the ability to measure neuronal activity directly. In contrast, fMRI has excellent uniform spatial resolution but measures an indirect metabolic correlate of neuronal function - the BOLD signal, over a considerably longer time period of seconds. EEG and fMRI are complementary and thus an approach which combines fMRI and ERP can potentially draw on the strengths of each and provide additional information not afforded by either technique alone. The neurophysiologic and methodological motivations, along with the technical improvements that allow concurrent data acquisition, make combining EEG and fMRI a popular yet challenging ongoing effort that employs a variety of approaches.