The use of ICTs to support teaching and learning in higher education has expanded in range and frequency over the past decade (Albert & Thomes, 2000; Annand, 1999; Jennings, 1995). ICTs are now commonly used in universities and colleges to support many activities associated with teaching and learning. These activities include planning and development of courses and curricula (Clouse & Nelson, 1999–2000), communication between instructors and administrators (Black, 2000), student-to-student and student-to-instructor interactions (Paj & Wallace, 2001), support services to students (Potter, 1997), and management of the educational process (Adria & Woudstra, 2001). New technologies provide more opportunities for matching diverse teaching methods to diverse student needs. Schrand (2008) suggests the use of technology in education has several benefits for motivating students. Schrand further states that technology can facilitate more active student participation and learning in the classroom, and appeal to multiple intelligences, and different learning styles. Jonassen, Howland, Marra and Crismond (2008) state that technology can be only effective in the learning process when it meets a learning requirement. Access to technology related multimedia has previously been shown (Agarwal & Karahanna, 2000) to improve cognitive engagement and cognitive absorption in users. Great expectations have emerged for technological advances to meet society's demands in new way. Many universities and private corporations are investing significant capital in e-learning systems (Levy, 2006). Full understanding of the factors contributing to effectiveness of e-learning systems will help E-Universities and institutions channel funding to effective factors and redesign or eliminate non-effective factors (Levy, 2006).