I. Introduction
Smart things interconnection is rapidly ramping-up [12]. Many or complex entities are reusing existing internet infrastructures like internet protocol (IP), Web servers, short range area network protocols and established architectures. But due to the complexity and cost involved by such solutions, it is not possible to reuse it for any (thing) interconnection to build the formal Internet of things (IoT). There are many parameters that make the reuse of existing standards insufficient, too expensive or simply inadequate. Some of these parameters are covered by key aspects of: interoperability of heterogeneous systems, mobility, ubiquity of processing, interconnectivity through heterogeneous protocols, standards and networks, adaptability, interactivity and autonomy. This is a real paradigm that requires long-term research and efforts from both academicals and industrials [4]. Added to this, involved technology spectrum is much larger than usual internet needs. It is difficult to subdivide such problem into OSI-like layers and focus on each layer; it requires the knowledge of all involved entities: hardware, networking, data formatting, data packaging, software, middleware and end-users experience. Use of rigid standard cannot resolve the problem; we need to think about other ways and techniques! If standards setup a detailed framework and enforce others to adhere; Internet of things can be considered slightly on the opposite side: use many standards but insure the interconnectivity and interoperability. This expresses a need to have two main features in the future smart things: autonomy regarding internal functionality where standard can be applied and high abstraction level toward external environment for interconnectivity and interoperability. Due to the diversity and dynamism of contexts, application and environment; future devices should integrate other dimensions that consist of learning and thinking. It is the era of embedded intelligence as a natural evolution of embedded systems [4].