I. Nomenclature
All bold symbols represent vectors or arrays.
Hourly electricity price time-series ($/MWh) with as typical element.
Hourly power output time-series (MWh) with as typical element.
Hourly revenue time-series ($/h) with as typical element.
Expectation of electricity price by fluctuation period ($/MWh) with as typical element.
Variance of electricity price by fluctuation period with as typical element.
Expectation of power output by fluctuation period (MWh) with as typical element.
Variance of power output by fluctuation period with as typical element.
Expectation of revenue by fluctuation period (MWh) with as typical element.
Variance of revenue by fluctuation period with as typical element.
Diagonal matrix with vector as main diagonal.
Diagonal matrix with vector as main diagonal.
Matrix modeling typical fluctuation periods.
Number of days in a month repeated 24 times.
Diagonal matrix with vector as main diagonal.
Auto-correlation of revenue between hours and .
Wind farm's rated output (kW or MW).
Wind farm's required annual revenue (M$).
Wind farm's unitary capital cost ($/kW-installed).