I. Introduction
To state that the Web is turning pervasive and ubiquitous has become something of a platitude. As its density increases, perhaps it will soon be more appropriate to think of it as a tissue rather than a web, with warp and weft provided by numerous -meaningful- services connecting its three main sorts of nodes, computer systems, humans,
this sequence does not imply an order of importance, of course. But note that as active agents within the WWW, humans are in fact relative late-comers....
and businesses. Note that in stating it so we take the physical connectivity for granted; it is the existence of (computer-based) services between nodes that will determine the “real”, or if one wants, semantical topology of the “future” Internet of Everything. For this reason we will use the terms Internet and Web below as interchangeable except when referring to the Internet as merely the infrastructure. Note that by having enterprises as first class citizens one becomes motivated to make explicit concepts of group, organisation, community, business ecosystem etc. as modelling primitives leading to richer models than bi-sortal networks where businesses are represented by their human and system “components”.