Consider a private querying system in which a user wants to check if his query image matches one or more images in a database of images. The querying device (Alice), can extract features from the user's image and match these against a feature vector database (Bob). A common distance metric for matching image features is the Manhattan distance, or distance. Suppose that the matching criterion is that the distance between Alice's feature vector and one of Bob's feature vectors is below a certain threshold. However, private querying imposes some constraints on how this matching is performed. Firstly, for the user's privacy, Bob must not know anything about Alice's feature vector. Secondly, for security of images in the database, Alice must not find out anything about Bob's feature vectors. Thirdly, for practical usage, the communication protocol employed by Alice and Bob should not incur a large transmission overhead. We propose a secure approximation protocol to address privacy and communication constraints in problems of this kind.