1. Introduction
With the advancement of VLSI technology, the device and their interconnect dimensions have been shrunk from micron to submicron to nano meter regime. As the dimensions of the devices and their interconnections reach to the nano meter level, the bulk properties of the materials cannot be applied and the devices must be analyzed in atomic level. Thus the nano electronic devices open up a new era in search of new technology for circuit fabrication, new methodology of circuit design and analysis. Several researches have already been undergone by research group on the nano electronic devices [14], [16], [17], [20]. The different proposed nano electronic devices may be classified into either solid-state or molecular. The solid-state devices include resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs), single electron technology (SET), spin transistors, ballistic electron devices, etc. The molecular devices include organic transistors, bulk molecular logic and memory, carbon nanotubes (CNTs), and monomolecular transistors. [2]