I. Introduction
With the new wave of using technology in higher education, online exams have become a part of the institution's course evaluation methods. Online exams offers a variety of educational opportunities such as: allowing students to become more active, helping students with different learning styles and needs, and offering them more access to online database for exam preparations (Mya, Martha and Stassen 2008). The Educational Testing Service (ETS) offered different kind of general tests that is required in higher education institutions such as: Graduate Record Exam (GRE) and a computerized SAT (Fair test, 2007). Much of the learning in technological educational courses are best assessed via instruments and online techniques and is preferred to be used to enhance the traditional tests. Although traditional assessment required time and more administration efforts for grading and administer the exam it still important for learning in the cognitive domain by helping students during their learning process. So it is not argued in this paper to replace the traditional way of giving exams, but enhancing it by integrating the online exams if needed and if it is of any value to help in improving the educational process.