I. Introduction
The performance of high resolution radars at low grazing angles has been a topic of research for the last several decades. Extensive surveys of many of the experimental and theoretical developments are given in [1] [2]. Despite the extensive number of studies, the current phenomenological understanding of sea clutter modeling is incomplete. Partially due to this incomplete knowledge, a variety of statistical models have been proposed for the distribution of the sea clutter. An accurate sea clutter model allows for the optimization of the radar detector chain including its CFAR processor. This in turn allows for enhanced target detection and better control of the false alarm rate. In this paper we assess the accuracy of some new and unexamined mixture distributions for the low grazing angle sea clutter data of [4]. Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of the parameters of the distributions are obtained and the results are compared to the actual data's distribution. In Section II of this paper we briefly review the measurement parameters, the collected data and sea conditions of the experiment. In Section III, we overview the traditional models as well as the mixture models [5] and Pareto distribution [7]. In Section IV we estimate the parameters of the distributions using the MLE and compare their respective CDFs. Conclusion of this paper is given in Section V.