The Italian Context
The AIIC, which has operated in Italy since the early 1990s and has more than 750 current associates, defines a CE as “the health-care professional in charge of the safe, appropriate, and economic management of technologies in health services” [1]. The American College of Clinical Engineering (ACCE) defines a CE as “a professional who supports and advances patient care by applying engineering and management skills to health-care technology,” and the Division for Clinical Engineering (DCE) of IFMBE describes clinical engineering as “. . . the safe and effective management of technology and the application of medical and biological engineering within the clinical environment, for the advancement of health care.” Consequently, within health-care organizations worldwide, the CE operates in partnership with clinicians, health physics, occupational health and safety departments, information and communication technology (ICT) departments, clinical risk management units, and other professionals, thus significantly contributing to the governance of biomedical technologies.