I. Introduction
Shared communication network is increasingly being used to support information exchange in control of a group of spatially distributed systems. This is very typical setups when using the base station to control and coordinate multiple mobile robots [1], unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and autonomous air vehicles (AAVs) [2], through a wireless/wired network. Control systems whose control loops are closed over a wired or wireless communication network are known as networked control systems (NCSs). Motivation for using communication network in control comes from higher system testability and resource utilization, as well as lower cost, reduced weight and power, simpler installation and maintenance [3]. However, many practical networks are subjected to communication constraints that make the analysis and design of NCSs be typically harder than that of classical control systems. NCSs require novel control design methodologies that differ in nature from the tradition control viewpoint to account for the presence of communication constraints in the closed-loops. For example, (i) data packets transmitted over networks are usually subjected to random or time-varying delays, and/or even may be lost during the information transmission, see for example the recent servery paper [4] and references listed therein; and (ii) because of the limitation on channel capacity, the shared communication medium imposes access constraints: only a limited number of the network nodes are allowed to transmit their data packets at any time instant [3], [5], [6], [7].