I. Introduction
The circular waveguides, entirely filled with azimuthally magnetized ferrite or containing coaxially positioned layers of ferrite of the magnetization pointed out and dielectric that support normal mode, possess potentialities of nonreciprocal digital phase shifters [1]–[12]. The experience has shown that the investigation of their propagation properties is a difficult task and this has thrown back the authors in the field upon the use of different approaches for its solution [1]–[12]. One of them is the method, employing complex confluent hypergeometric functions for the analysis of waves in the anisotropic areas and real cylindrical ones for the dielectric strata, combined with iterative techniques [4]–[12]. Recently, it has been applied to study a two-layered configuration whose central part is occupied by dielectric and its outer one - by ferrite. To facilitate the mathematical model of the problem as much as possible, the values of relative permittivities of both media have been assumed equal [8], [10], [12].