1 Introduction
Recently, there has been a growing interest in cyber-physical systems. A cyber-physical system is a type of embedded system that integrates a large number of distributed software and physical components to achieve specific tasks. Examples of cyber-physical systems include sensor and actuator networks, space exploration systems, highway and urban traffic coordination systems, etc. Individual hardware/software component failures can potentially lead to catastrophic failures in such safety-critical systems. Hence, it is necessary to consider the overall hardware/software system reliability and availability to ensure the continuous and robust operation of these systems. High dependability can be achieved by designing a redundant system with lower failure rate [18] or increasing system repair and/or recovery rate when failures occur. In this paper, we design an adaptive health monitoring and management (HMM) [1] [2] [8] system to detect abnormal system behaviors and diagnose faulty hardware/software components in real-time to significantly reduce the repair and/or recovery time.