I Introduction
In the present era of globalization, SMEs should possess the competence to produce an acceptable product or service to stimulate forthcoming business opportunity. Therefore, the opportunity is totally depend on the quality performances specifically in reducing defect rates of manufacturing products within specifications. Generally, SMEs are of major significance to the future economic growth in Malaysia [1] and [2]. To achieve this role, SMEs need support in finding the right methods with appropriate technological innovations, organization structure and culture requirements. Studies by Marri et al. [3]; Dangayach and Deshmukh [4] and Small and Yasin [5] have shown that SMEs are prefer to select advanced manufacturing technology (AMT) and computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) systems as the effective tools. Therefore, several manufacturing firms tended to concern on advance manufacturing technologies or described as a group of computer based technologies. In this connection, SPC with computer aided (computer based) is seemed to play a major role through quality improvements in SMEs. Statistical Process Control (SPC) comprised of control charts charting and process capability to identify the process stability and performance [7]. For over 70 years, the manufacturing arena has benefited from the tools of SPC to lead in decision-making process. Moreover, [6] stated similar fact, where the utilization of control chart guides to identify the existing of special-cause variation that involving feedback action to be taken on the process. According to Antony et al. [8], utilization of Computer Aided SPC received more attention by most organization, for example company tended to use spread sheet software to develop control charts. However, several manufacturing firms remain to use traditional SPC (manual charting). Consequently, traditional SPC focused on particular limitations where only little quality faults is detectable, time-consuming and burdensome. Nevertheless, Hofmann et al. [9] stated a problem regards to statistical software in company is not portable and multiple users since the system developed for one specific computing. From researchers' point of view, quality data or information can be shared if the computer is developed via online. The system is possible for workers to access the system at flexible times. Surak [10] noted that, there are several resources to implement SPC, such as software selection, control chart, histogram, and capability indices to identify the improvement items in process. Das et al. [11] viewed that, software design and development processes should be conducted in the following manner, appropriate design and methodology, and learn from the past design. It is important to note that the ability to assess quality data processes and make instant decisions is essential in competitive manufacturing by applying one of quality management tools known as Computer Aided Statistical Process Control (CASPC). However, SMEs in Malaysia did not received adequate attention from researchers and practitioners with regard to productivity improvements specifically in automotive company. This paper provides specific issues associated with the design of SPC system based on computer. The system named as SMEs-SPC (Small and Medium Enterprises - Statistical Process Control), which is able to offer more benefits to the Malaysian SMEs. The preliminary study involved interviews with company representatives, as well as observations on their environment and those results were already explained on the previous paper. This paper is a continuation of our previous study which focused on issues concerning design and development of online SMEs-SPC system.