I. Introduction
The binary consensus problem is the following-Given a network where each node initially observes one of two states, 0 or 1, how to construct a robust distributed protocol which ensures that the nodes reach the right consensus, i.e., the majority observation at the start of the protocol. We are interested in the binary consensus problem when there is a limitation on the memory and the communication between the nodes of the network. In particular, we analyze two protocols for the binary consensus problem. In both protocols, we restrict the nodes to store one of three values 0, 1 and . In the first protocol, we restrict the signaling to be ternary, i.e, a node can communicate only one of three states, and in the second, we consider the case when the signaling is binary. We call the two protocols respectively, the ternary signaling and the binary signaling protocol. The extra state corresponds to an “undecided” state where the node is unsure of the majority value. This state can also be thought of as an extra quantization level which corresponds to the averaging of a 0 and a 1. We are interested in characterizing our two protocols with respect to error probability of final consensus and convergence rate. Our results are for the case when the underlying graph is complete. The complete graph assumption is a valid approximation for unstructured overlays in peer to peer networks, e.g., Freenet, Gnutella and Fast Track (see [7] for a survey). In such networks, nodes are connected by random edges, hence sampling of a node neighbourhood resembles sampling on a complete graph.