Dimensionless fiber radius defined in (10).
Initial amplitude.
Final amplitude.
Coefficients in (13).
in (10).
Amplitude growth rate.
Dimensional amplitude growth rate .
Gravitational acceleration .
Local coating thickness [m].
Average coating thickness [m].
Length of the coating die [m].
Pressure at the applicator inlet [Pa].
Atmosphere pressure [Pa].
Fiber radius [m].
Inner radius of the applicator die [m].
in (10).
Maximum Reynolds number for an acceptable final amplitude.
Radial coordinate [m].
Time [s].
Drawing velocity [m/s].
Maximum velocity for the fully developed flow [m/s].
Axial coordinate for an inertial reference frame with velocity [m].
Dimensionless axial coordinate for a reference frame at rest.
Greek symbolswavenumber defined in (10).
Critical wavenumber.
Dimensionless coating thickness variation.
Surface wave length [m].
Dynamic viscosity .
Stream function .
Density .
Surface tension [N/m].