I. Introduction
Atmospheric optical communication over distances on the order of a kilometer or more allows the communication of data at modulation rates as high as tens of gigabits per second. For cloudless days, even space-ground communication is possible. However, the laser beams are susceptible to fading due to refractive index fluctuations induced by airturbulence. As predicted by the Kolmogorov turbulence model, temperature changes in the air on the order of 1 K cause refractive index changes on the order of several parts per million. The Extended Huygens–Fresnel Principle models the fading of a wave due to passage through air turbulence [1]. It is typical for deep fades to last approximately 1–100 milliseconds which may result in the loss of potentially up to consecutive bits at a transmission rate of 10 Gb/s. This motivates the need to consider schemes that minimize the probability that the receiver “sees” a significant fade.