I. Introduction
The wide bandgap semiconductor technology Gallium-Nitride (GaN) is well known for its high power density and many High Power Amplifier designs [1] [2]. Because of the large breakdown voltage of HEMT device realized in the A1GaN/GaN technology, it is also possible to use this technology to design robust receiver components. GaN technology has already shown the capability for low noise performance [3], and even with a technology optimized for high-power applications, good and robust Low Noise Amplifiers (LNA) can be realized [4] [5]. Because of the high power handling also switches can be designed that could replace the current ferrite circulators in Transmit/Receive (TR) modules [6]. This paper will present the design and first iteration measurement results on two LNA and two switch MMICs, which can be used to realize a robust receiver front end. First in section II the application of these MMICs in a TR module front-end is described. Section III gives details on the A1GaN/GaN processing technology. Next the LNA and switch designs are described, followed by the measurement results on these MMICs.