1. Introduction
With the applications of Internet in E-Commerce, IP multicast [1], [2] technology have being used more and more widely, such as VOD, network multimedia broadcasting, the multimedia distance education, etc. While Internet is opened, anyone joining in the group can access to these services. Therefore, the applications above need very high security and service assurance. But as there are many security issues in multicast technology, the secure multicast key management becomes the hot issue of the current study [3], [4]. The major task of multicast key management system is generating, distributing and updating of the group key (GK) for the group members. Group key is known to all the group members, and is used to encrypt, decrypt, authenticate the messages, etc, which ensures the confidentiality, authentication, and integrity. When the member leaves or joins in the group, the group key will be changed accordingly in order to get the forward/backward security [5], [6], [7]. Therefore, key management is very important for a secure multicast.