I. Introduction
Hydraulic robots are widely used in construction and mining industries. However, most of earlier work in the design of the control laws for manipulators deal with electrically actuated manipulators. In terms of hydraulic actuators, relatively less work has been done [1]. Besides, the hydraulic robot manipulator dynamics are more complex than the electrical robot manipulator dynamics, hence the modeling and control of the system is a challenging task [2]. Computer Torque Control (CTC) and PID strategies have been implemented in [3] for hydraulic robot and the performance of both methods did not give satisfactory results. The constraint with PID controller is that they are not suitable for high speed robots and in situations that require precise trajectory tracking. For the CTC, it only can be implemented to robots that allow joint torque control. Besides, the setback with CTC is, it is essentially based on exact robot arm dynamic model; the explicit use of an incorrect robot model will influence the performance of the control.