1 Introduction
Polynomial identity testing (denoted PIT) over fields is a well studied algorithmic problem: given an arithmetic circuit computing a polynomial in over a field , the problem is to determine whether the polynomial computed by is identically zero. The problem is also studied when the input polynomial is given only via black-box access. I.e. we can evaluate it at any point in or in for a field extension of . When is given by a circuit the problem is in randomized polynomial time. Even in the black-box setting, when is suitably larger than , the problem is in randomized polynomial time. A major challenge it to obtain deterministic polynomial time algorithms even for restricted versions of the problem. The results of Impagliazzo and Kabanets [KI03] show that the problem is as hard as proving superpoly-nomial circuit lower bounds. Indeed, the problem remains open even for depth-3 arithmetic circuits with an unbounded gate as output [DS05], [KS07].