Diagnosing impending loss of functionality provides a window for the identification of potential failures and trigger repair or replacement significantly prior to failure. In this paper the system-level prognostication methodologies for electronic devices has been investigated using methodologies employing a solder-interconnect built-in reliability test, and FFT based statistical-pattern recognition, and time-frequency moments based statistical pattern recognition techniques for feature extraction and health monitoring. The Built in self test (BIST) approach is currently being applied to the testing of Digital chips and various other digital devices [Steininger 2000, Harris 2002, Hashernpour 2004, Suthar 2006], but the current version of BIST approach is focused on reactive failure detection and provides limited insight in to solder joint reliability and residual life. A new solder-interconnect built-in reliability test for FPGAs has been developed and it has been shown that the detection of the high-resistance faults that result from damaged solder joints, can be accomplished by utilizing a maximum of one small capacitor externally connected to each selected test pin or each group of two test pins.