PW and CW
Power winding and control winding.
, , andVoltage, current, and flux vectors.
Arbitrary vector.
, , andVoltage, current, and flux scalars.
andActive and reactive powers.
Angular frequency of the arbitrary rotating reference frame.
, , andAngular frequencies of the PW, the CW, and rotor.
andAngular positions of the PW flux frame and rotor.
andPole pair numbers of the PW and the CW.
, , andResistances of the PW, the CW, and rotor.
, , andSelf-inductances of the PW, the CW, and rotor.
andCoupling inductances between stator windings and rotor.
Leakage constant between the PW and rotor, i.e., .
VUFVoltage unbalance factor.
andReal and imaginary parts of vector .
Differential operator, i.e., .
Complex conjugate of vector .
subscripts 1, 2, andPW, the CW, and rotor.
andForward- and backward-sequence components.
andRotating frame axis.
,Stationary axis of the PW, normally simplified as , .
,Stationary axis of the CW.
superscripts + and −Positive and negative synchronous reference frames.