I. Introduction
The last few years have witnessed an increasing interest in millimeter-wave (mm-wave) communication systems. Rising trends in digital video markets and personal handheld multimedia devices, the quest for a cheap viable solution to home and personal area networking, automotive radar and other high data rate applications are driving forces that draw attention toward high bandwidth communication systems. These market trends coincide with a universal regulatory facilitation, freeing a large bandwidth around 60 GHz worldwide and specifying the 77 GHz band for automotive radar applications. While CMOS is not an obvious technology for mm-wave applications in terms of raw performance, especially compared to SiGe and III-V technologies, it has clear advantages including low cost and potential for integration with other parts of the system which makes it a natural candidate for exploration. CMOS technology also benefits directly from Moore's Law, and the performance of CMOS is improving at regular intervals, extending its functionality into mm-wave frequencies. The for the 90 nm technology node is above 100 GHz and it is continuing to increase for smaller nodes, reaching an expected cut-off frequency of 280 GHz for 45 nm process [1].