I. Introduction
Highly magnetostrictive cobalt ferrite materials have generated recent interest as candidate materials for torque/stress sensor and actuator applications [1]–[4]. The materials have attractive properties of high magnetostriction , low hysteresis, high chemical stability, mechanical strength and above all high magnetostrictive strain sensitivity . The high magnetostrictive strain sensitivity implies that these materials can produce high magnetostriction at low fields, which points towards a lower magnetizing current requirement in actuator applications [5]. The magnetoelastic properties of these materials are related to their magnetic properties. It has been found that a lower anisotropy leads to higher magnetostrictive stain sensitivity. In the past, several substitutions of Mn3+ [3], Cr3+ [4], Ga3+ [6] and Ge4+/Co2+ [7] for some of the Fe3+ have been found to improve their magnetic and consequently magnetoelastic properties.