The effect of high energy neutron (E>1 MeV) irradiation at 60°C on the superconducting critical temperature, Tc, the upper critical field, Hc2, the lattice parameter, ao,...Show MoreMetadata
The effect of high energy neutron (E>1 MeV) irradiation at 60°C on the superconducting critical temperature, Tc, the upper critical field, Hc2, the lattice parameter, ao, and the degree of Long Range Order has been measured for Nb and V based A-IS superconducting compounds. Large reductions in Tc, and Hc2are observed for fluences up to 5.0 × 1019n/cm2. For Nb3Al aoincreases and the degree of Long Range Order is significantly reduced as Tcis depressed. The results are discussed in terms of atomic ordering in the A-15 structure.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics ( Volume: 11, Issue: 2, March 1975)