I. Introduction
IN this paper, our goal is to design new decoding algorithms that can enhance techniques known to date for Reed–Muller (RM) codes. In general, RM codes can be designed from the set of all -variate Boolean polynomials of degree or less. Here each polynomial is defined on the -dimensional space . For any , we consider the sequence of binary values obtained as argument runs through . These sequences—codewords —form an RM code, which is below denoted and has length , dimension , and distance as follows: n=2^{m},\quad k=\sum_{i=0}^{r} {m \choose i},\quad d=2^{m-r}. The decoding algorithms discussed in this paper (including the new algorithms) can be applied to any RM code. However, we will mostly focus on their asymptotic performance obtained for long RM codes of fixed order . To define their error-correcting performance, we use the following definition. Given an infinite sequence of codes , we say that a decoding algorithm has a sequence and a sequence if for
correctly decodes all but a vanishing fraction of error patterns of weight or less;
fails to decode a nonvanishing fraction of error patterns of weight or less.
Note that multiple sequences with can satisfy the same definition.