I. Introduction
The nonlinear transmission line (NLTL) has found a wide range of applications especially in the field of high speed sampling and measurement circuitry [1], [2]. The generation of very sharp rise time shock wave signals using a NLTL has been reported in the literature by several authors [3]–[5]. The performance of the NLTL depends entirely on the Schottky diode characteristics which are defined by the silicon doping profile. The nonlinear CV characteristic of the Schottky diode, the key element for the NLTL design, provides nonlinear wave propagation which gives very high rise time compression. The series resistance of the Schottky diode attenuates the input signal and increases the insertion loss of the NLTL. Shock waves with sub-picosecond rise time pulses on GaAs NLTL are reported in [6] used a delta-doped () Schottky diode which has strong nonlinear CV characteristics and low series resistance under reverse bias conditions. The doping profile is achieved using the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) technique to grow a thin highly conductive layer within the n active layer of the Schottky diode. Usually GaAs Schottky diodes are used in the NLTL design because they inherently have low series resistance, high cut-off frequency, and high carrier mobility when compared to silicon Schottky diodes.