I. Introduction
The Monte Carlo (MC) technique for the simulation of semiconductor devices is widely accepted as a tool to gain a detailed understanding of physical phenomena in modern semiconductor devices [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]. One advantage of MC approaches is that the full band structure can be readily included using numerical tables [6]. The simulation of carrier–carrier interaction is also possible but the short-range carrier–carrier scattering is particularly difficult to evaluate and computationally expensive [7]. A scattering rate approach normally treats the two-body problem, presenting the additional complication that a partner carrier must be considered to respect conservation laws. This can never be done exactly due to the limited sampling of particles available in a given simulation cell. A molecular dynamics model gives a complete description of the semiclassical many-body charge interaction in the short range, but it requires an expensive three-dimensional (3-D) approach [8], [9].