1. Introduction
Collaborative applications over web span domains as diverse as enterprise e-commerce applications, personal applications, and scientific biomedical applications. Therefore, to find methodologies to empower one and all to rapidly develop and deploy robust collaborative applications is required. However, current status of web service (object) coordination and composition is a frenzied effort by many to shell out myriad of ever-richer protocols and languages for web service collaboration, suitable only for domain experts, without substantial fundamental theoretical framework. Moreover, web services are stateless, passive entities in such composite applications requiring centralized coordinator process to handle all the functionalities from application logic to transaction management [5]. This makes such application development a tedious limiting to experts. Furthermore, centralized coordination is not desirable for highly distributed and pervasive environment such as the Internet. Therefore, we propose to explore (i) a fundamental set of bonding primitives/artifacts, which are necessary and sufficient in expressiveness and semantics, (ii) enhancements to web service infrastructure to easily employ those core artifacts, and (iii) a development and deployment platform to configure distributed collaborative applications over web services of interest.