A fast time-driven algorithm for topology maintenance in high-speed networks is presented. The algorithm uses only four time units for each broadcast by each computer. Th...Show MoreMetadata
A fast time-driven algorithm for topology maintenance in high-speed networks is presented. The algorithm uses only four time units for each broadcast by each computer. The best previous algorithm required O(log m) time units for each broadcast by each computer, where m is the number of currently operational computers in the network. In addition to its speed, the presented algorithm makes several significant contributions. I. Cidon et al. (1988) have shown that Omega (log m) time units are necessary for time-driven topology maintenance algorithms of high-speed networks that do not allow a packet to traverse the same edge in both directions. The proposed algorithm shows that this lower bound does not hold for networks that do allow a packet to traverse the same edge in both directions. The O(log m) algorithm assumed that it takes each computer at most one time unit to simultaneously broadcast messages to all neighbors of the computer. In contrast, a node in the proposed algorithm can send at most, one message per time unit. As in the O(log m) algorithm, the algorithm requires O(D) broadcasts per node before all nodes know the correct topology of the network, where D is the diameter of the currently operational portion of the network.<>
Published in: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking ( Volume: 1, Issue: 3, June 1993)
DOI: 10.1109/90.234861