For Part I, see ibid., vol.40, no.6, p.768-775 (1993). The performance of a real-time ultrasound time-domain correlation (UTDC) flowmeter employing a high-speed residue n...Show MoreMetadata
For Part I, see ibid., vol.40, no.6, p.768-775 (1993). The performance of a real-time ultrasound time-domain correlation (UTDC) flowmeter employing a high-speed residue number system correlator under various flow conditions for different correlation parameter settings is evaluated. Previous work has incorporated a weighted-averaging scheme to estimate the flow velocity over a wide number of echo signal spacings. The present evaluation indicates that a linear averaging of 50 adjacent echo signal pairs produces equivalent accuracy and precision at real-time processing speed as compared to previous non-real time systems incorporating weighted averaging.<>
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control ( Volume: 40, Issue: 6, November 1993)
DOI: 10.1109/58.248223